Source code for pymodaq.control_modules.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created the 03/10/2022

@author: Sebastien Weber
from easydict import EasyDict as edict

from qtpy import QtCore
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, QObject, Qt
from pymodaq.utils.gui_utils import CustomApp
from pymodaq.utils.daq_utils import ThreadCommand, get_plugins, find_dict_in_list_from_key_val
from pymodaq.utils.config import Config
from pymodaq.utils.parameter import Parameter
from pymodaq.utils.enums import BaseEnum, enum_checker
from pymodaq.utils.plotting.data_viewers import ViewersEnum
from pymodaq.utils.exceptions import DetectorError
from pymodaq.utils import config as configmod

class DAQTypesEnum(BaseEnum):
    """enum relating a given DAQType and a viewer type
    See Also
    DAQ0D = 'Viewer0D'
    DAQ1D = 'Viewer1D'
    DAQ2D = 'Viewer2D'
    DAQND = 'ViewerND'

    def to_data_type(self):
        return ViewersEnum[self.value].value

    def to_viewer_type(self):
        return self.value

    def to_daq_type(self):

    def increase_dim(self, ndim: int):
        dim = self.get_dim()
        if dim != 'N':
            dim_as_int = int(dim) + ndim
            if dim_as_int > 2:
                dim = 'N'
                dim = str(dim_as_int)
            dim = 'N'
        return DAQTypesEnum(f'Viewer{dim}D')

    def get_dim(self):
        return self.value.split('Viewer')[1].split('D')[0]


DET_TYPES = {'DAQ0D': get_plugins('daq_0Dviewer'),
             'DAQ1D': get_plugins('daq_1Dviewer'),
             'DAQ2D': get_plugins('daq_2Dviewer'),
             'DAQND': get_plugins('daq_NDviewer'),}

if len(DET_TYPES['DAQ0D']) == 0:
    raise DetectorError('No installed Detector')

config = Config()

class ViewerError(Exception):

def get_viewer_plugins(daq_type, det_name):
    parent_module = find_dict_in_list_from_key_val(DET_TYPES[daq_type], 'name', det_name)
    match_name = daq_type.lower()
    match_name = f'{match_name[0:3]}_{match_name[3:].upper()}viewer_'
    obj = getattr(getattr(parent_module['module'], match_name + det_name),
    params = getattr(obj, 'params')
    det_params = Parameter.create(name='Det Settings', type='group', children=params)
    return det_params, obj

[docs]class ControlModule(QObject): """Abstract Base class common to both DAQ_Move and DAQ_Viewer control modules Attributes ---------- init_signal : Signal[bool] This signal is emitted when the chosen hardware is correctly initialized command_hardware : Signal[ThreadCommand] This signal is used to communicate with the instrument plugin within a separate thread command_tcpip : Signal[ThreadCommand] This signal is used to communicate through the TCP/IP Network quit_signal : Signal[] This signal is emitted when the user requested to stop the module """ init_signal = Signal(bool) command_hardware = Signal(ThreadCommand) _command_tcpip = Signal(ThreadCommand) quit_signal = Signal() _update_settings_signal = Signal(edict) status_sig = Signal(str) custom_sig = Signal(ThreadCommand) ui = None def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._title = "" self.config = config # the hardware controller instance set after initialization and to be used by other modules if they share the # same controller self.controller = None self._initialized_state = False self._send_to_tcpip = False self._tcpclient_thread = None self._hardware_thread = None self.module_and_data_saver = None self.plugin_config: configmod.Config = None def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.title}'
[docs] def thread_status(self, status: ThreadCommand, control_module_type='detector'): """Get back info (using the ThreadCommand object) from the hardware And re-emit this ThreadCommand using the custom_sig signal if it should be used in a higher level module Parameters ---------- status: ThreadCommand The info returned from the hardware, the command (str) can be either: * Update_Status: display messages and log info * close: close the current thread and delete corresponding attribute on cascade. * update_settings: Update the "detector setting" node in the settings tree. * update_main_settings: update the "main setting" node in the settings tree * raise_timeout: * show_splash: Display the splash screen with attribute as message * close_splash * show_config: display the plugin configuration """ if status.command == "Update_Status": if len(status.attribute) > 1: self.update_status(status.attribute[0], log=status.attribute[1]) else: self.update_status(status.attribute[0]) elif status.command == "close": try: self.update_status(status.attribute[0]) self._hardware_thread.quit() self._hardware_thread.wait() finished = self._hardware_thread.isFinished() if finished: pass else: print('Thread still running') self._hardware_thread.terminate() self.update_status('thread is locked?!', 'log') except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(str(e)) self._initialized_state = False self.init_signal.emit(self._initialized_state) elif status.command == 'update_main_settings': # this is a way for the plugins to update main settings of the ui (solely values, limits and options) try: if status.attribute[2] == 'value': self.settings.child('main_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setValue(status.attribute[1]) elif status.attribute[2] == 'limits': self.settings.child('main_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setLimits(status.attribute[1]) elif status.attribute[2] == 'options': self.settings.child('main_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setOpts(**status.attribute[1]) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(str(e)) elif status.command == 'update_settings': # using this the settings shown in the UI for the plugin reflects the real plugin settings try: self.settings.sigTreeStateChanged.disconnect( self.parameter_tree_changed) # any changes on the detcetor settings will update accordingly the gui except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(str(e)) try: if status.attribute[2] == 'value': self.settings.child(f'{control_module_type}_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setValue(status.attribute[1]) elif status.attribute[2] == 'limits': self.settings.child(f'{control_module_type}_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setLimits(status.attribute[1]) elif status.attribute[2] == 'options': self.settings.child(f'{control_module_type}_settings', *status.attribute[0]).setOpts(**status.attribute[1]) elif status.attribute[2] == 'childAdded': child = Parameter.create(name='tmp') child.restoreState(status.attribute[1][0]) self.settings.child(f'{control_module_type}_settings', *status.attribute[0]).addChild(status.attribute[1][0]) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(str(e)) self.settings.sigTreeStateChanged.connect(self.parameter_tree_changed) elif status.command == 'raise_timeout': self.raise_timeout() elif status.command == 'show_splash': self.settings_tree.setEnabled(False) self.splash_sc.raise_() self.splash_sc.showMessage(status.attribute, color=Qt.white) elif status.command == 'close_splash': self.splash_sc.close() self.settings_tree.setEnabled(True) self.custom_sig.emit(status) # to be used if needed in custom application connected to this module
@property def module_type(self): """str: Get the module type, either DAQ_Move or DAQ_viewer""" return type(self).__name__ @property def initialized_state(self): """bool: Check if the module is initialized""" return self._initialized_state @property def title(self): """str: get the title of the module""" return self._title
[docs] def grab(self): """Programmatic entry to grab data from detectors or current value from actuator""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop_grab(self): """Programmatic entry to stop data grabbing from detectors or current value polling from actuator""" raise NotImplementedError
def _add_data_to_saver(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def append_data(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def insert_data(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def quit_fun(self): """Programmatic entry to quit the controle module""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def init_hardware(self, do_init=True): """Programmatic entry to initialize/deinitialize the control module Parameters ---------- do_init : bool if True initialize the selected hardware else deinitialize it See Also -------- :meth:`init_hardware_ui` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def init_hardware_ui(self, do_init=True): """Programmatic entry to simulate a click on the user interface init button Parameters ---------- do_init : bool if True initialize the selected hardware else deinitialize it Notes ----- This method should be preferred to :meth:`init_hardware` """ if self.ui is not None: self.ui.do_init(do_init)
[docs] def show_log(self): """Open the log file in the default text editor""" import webbrowser[0].baseFilename)
[docs] def show_config(self, config: Config) -> Config: """ Display in a tree the current configuration""" if config is not None: from pymodaq.utils.gui_utils.widgets.tree_toml import TreeFromToml config_tree = TreeFromToml(config) config_tree.show_dialog() return Config()
[docs] def update_status(self, txt, log=True): """Display a message in the ui status bar and eventually log the message Parameters ---------- txt : str message to display log : bool if True, log the message in the logger """ if self.ui is not None: self.ui.display_status(txt) self.status_sig.emit(txt) if log:
[docs] def manage_ui_actions(self, action_name: str, attribute: str, value): """Method to manage actions for the UI (if any). Will try to apply the given value to the given attribute of the corresponding action Parameters ---------- action_name: str attribute: method signature or attribute value: object actual type and value depend on the triggered attribute Examples -------- >>>manage_ui_actions('quit', 'setEnabled', False) # will disable the quit action (button) on the UI """ if self.ui is not None: if self.ui.has_action(action_name): action = self.ui.get_action(action_name) if hasattr(action, attribute): attr = getattr(action, attribute) if callable(attr): attr(value) else: attr = value
[docs]class ControlModuleUI(CustomApp): """ Base Class for ControlModules UIs Attributes ---------- command_sig: Signal[Threadcommand] This signal is emitted whenever some actions done by the user has to be applied on the main module. Possible commands are: See specific implementation See Also -------- :class:`daq_move_ui.DAQ_Move_UI`, :class:`daq_viewer_ui.DAQ_Viewer_UI` """ command_sig = QtCore.Signal(ThreadCommand) def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.config = config def display_status(self, txt, wait_time=config('general', 'message_status_persistence')): if self.statusbar is not None: self.statusbar.showMessage(txt, wait_time)
[docs] def do_init(self, do_init=True): """Programmatically press the Init button API entry Parameters ---------- do_init: bool will fire the Init button depending on the argument value and the button check state """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def send_init(self, checked: bool): """Should be implemented to send to the main app the fact that someone (un)checked init.""" raise NotImplementedError