Source code for pymodaq.utils.managers.modules_manager

from typing import List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from collections import OrderedDict
from qtpy.QtCore import QObject, Signal, Slot, QThread
from qtpy import QtWidgets
import time

from pymodaq.utils.logger import set_logger, get_module_name, get_module_name
from pymodaq.utils import daq_utils as utils
from pymodaq.utils.config import Config
from import DataToExport, DataFromPlugins, DataActuator
from pyqtgraph.parametertree import Parameter, ParameterTree
from pymodaq.utils.managers.parameter_manager import ParameterManager

    from pymodaq.control_modules.daq_viewer import DAQ_Viewer
    from pymodaq.control_modules.daq_move import DAQ_Move

logger = set_logger(get_module_name(__file__))
config = Config()

[docs]class ModulesManager(QObject, ParameterManager): """Class to manage DAQ_Viewers and DAQ_Moves with UI to select some Easier to connect control modules signals to slots, test, ... Parameters ---------- detectors: list of DAQ_Viewer actuators: list of DAQ_Move selected_detectors: list of DAQ_Viewer sublist of detectors selected_actuators: list of DAQ_Move sublist of actuators """ detectors_changed = Signal(list) actuators_changed = Signal(list) det_done_signal = Signal(DataToExport) # dte here contains DataWithAxes move_done_signal = Signal(DataToExport) # dte here contains DataActuators timeout_signal = Signal(bool) params = [ {'title': 'Actuators/Detectors Selection', 'name': 'modules', 'type': 'group', 'children': [ {'title': 'detectors', 'name': 'detectors', 'type': 'itemselect', 'checkbox': True}, {'title': 'Actuators', 'name': 'actuators', 'type': 'itemselect', 'checkbox': True}, ]}, {'title': "Moves done?", 'name': 'move_done', 'type': 'led', 'value': False}, {'title': "Detections done?", 'name': 'det_done', 'type': 'led', 'value': False}, {'title': 'Data dimensions', 'name': 'data_dimensions', 'type': 'group', 'children': [ {'title': "Probe detector's data", 'name': 'probe_data', 'type': 'action'}, {'title': 'Data0D list:', 'name': 'det_data_list0D', 'type': 'itemselect'}, {'title': 'Data1D list:', 'name': 'det_data_list1D', 'type': 'itemselect'}, {'title': 'Data2D list:', 'name': 'det_data_list2D', 'type': 'itemselect'}, {'title': 'DataND list:', 'name': 'det_data_listND', 'type': 'itemselect'}, ]}, {'title': 'Actuators positions', 'name': 'actuators_positions', 'type': 'group', 'children': [ {'title': "Test actuators", 'name': 'test_actuator', 'type': 'action'}, {'title': 'Positions:', 'name': 'positions_list', 'type': 'itemselect'}, ]}, ] def __init__(self, detectors=[], actuators=[], selected_detectors=[], selected_actuators=[], **kwargs): QObject.__init__(self) ParameterManager.__init__(self) for mod in selected_actuators: assert mod in actuators for mod in selected_detectors: assert mod in detectors self.actuator_timeout = config('actuator', 'timeout') self.detector_timeout = config('viewer', 'timeout') self.det_done_datas: DataToExport = None self.det_done_flag = False self.move_done_positions: DataToExport = None self.move_done_flag = False self.settings.child('data_dimensions', 'probe_data').sigActivated.connect(self.get_det_data_list) self.settings.child('actuators_positions', 'test_actuator').sigActivated.connect(self.test_move_actuators) self._detectors = [] self._actuators = [] self.grab_done_signals = [] self.det_commands_signal = [] self.actuators_connected = False self.detectors_connected = False self.set_actuators(actuators, selected_actuators) self.set_detectors(detectors, selected_detectors) def show_only_control_modules(self, show: True): self.settings.child('move_done').show(not show) self.settings.child('det_done').show(not show) self.settings.child('data_dimensions').show(not show) self.settings.child('actuators_positions').show(not show)
[docs] @classmethod def get_names(cls, modules): """Get the titles of a list of Control Modules Parameters ---------- modules: list of DAQ_Move and/or DAQ_Viewer """ if not hasattr(modules, '__iter__'): modules = [modules] return [mod.title for mod in modules]
[docs] def get_mods_from_names(self, names, mod='det'): """Getter of a list of given modules from their name (title) Parameters ---------- names: list of str mod: str either 'det' for DAQ_Viewer modules or 'act' for DAQ_Move modules """ mods = [] for name in names: d = self.get_mod_from_name(name, mod) if d is not None: mods.append(d) return mods
[docs] def get_mod_from_name(self, name, mod='det') -> Union['DAQ_Move', 'DAQ_Viewer']: """Getter of a given module from its name (title) Parameters ---------- name: str mod: str either 'det' for DAQ_Viewer modules or 'act' for DAQ_Move modules """ if mod == 'det': modules = self._detectors else: modules = self._actuators if name in self.get_names(modules): return modules[self.get_names(modules).index(name)] else: logger.warning(f'No detector with this name: {name}') return None
[docs] def set_actuators(self, actuators, selected_actuators): """Populates actuators and the subset to be selected in the UI""" self._actuators = actuators self.settings.child('modules', 'actuators').setValue(dict(all_items=self.get_names(actuators), selected=self.get_names(selected_actuators)))
[docs] def set_detectors(self, detectors, selected_detectors): """Populates detectors and the subset to be selected in the UI""" self._detectors = detectors self.settings.child('modules', 'detectors').setValue(dict(all_items=self.get_names(detectors), selected=self.get_names(selected_detectors)))
@property def detectors(self) -> List['DAQ_Viewer']: """Get the list of selected detectors""" return self.get_mods_from_names(self.selected_detectors_name) @property def detectors_all(self): """Get the list of all detectors""" return self._detectors @property def actuators(self) -> List['DAQ_Move']: """Get the list of selected actuators""" return self.get_mods_from_names(self.selected_actuators_name, mod='act') @property def actuators_all(self): """Get the list of all actuators""" return self._actuators @property def modules(self): """Get the list of all detectors and actuators""" return self.detectors + self.actuators @property def modules_all(self): """Get the list of all detectors and actuators""" return self.detectors_all + self.actuators_all @property def Ndetectors(self): """Get the number of selected detectors""" return len(self.detectors) @property def Nactuators(self): """Get the number of selected actuators""" return len(self.actuators) @property def detectors_name(self): """Get all the names of the detectors""" return self.settings.child('modules', 'detectors').value()['all_items'] @property def selected_detectors_name(self): """Get/Set the names of the selected detectors""" return self.settings.child('modules', 'detectors').value()['selected'] @selected_detectors_name.setter def selected_detectors_name(self, detectors): if set(detectors).issubset(self.detectors_name): self.settings.child('modules', 'detectors').setValue(dict(all_items=self.detectors_name, selected=detectors)) @property def actuators_name(self): """Get all the names of the actuators""" return self.settings.child('modules', 'actuators').value()['all_items'] @property def selected_actuators_name(self) -> List[str]: """Get/Set the names of the selected actuators""" return self.settings.child('modules', 'actuators').value()['selected'] @selected_actuators_name.setter def selected_actuators_name(self, actuators): if set(actuators).issubset(self.actuators_name): self.settings.child('modules', 'actuators').setValue(dict(all_items=self.actuators_name, selected=actuators))
[docs] def value_changed(self, param): if == 'detectors': self.detectors_changed.emit(param.value()['selected']) elif == 'actuators': self.actuators_changed.emit(param.value()['selected'])
[docs] def get_det_data_list(self): """Do a snap of selected detectors, to get the list of all the data and processed data""" self.connect_detectors() datas: DataToExport = self.grab_datas() data_list0D = datas.get_full_names('data0D') data_list1D = datas.get_full_names('data1D') data_list2D = datas.get_full_names('data2D') data_listND = datas.get_full_names('dataND') self.settings.child('data_dimensions', 'det_data_list0D').setValue( dict(all_items=data_list0D, selected=[])) self.settings.child('data_dimensions', 'det_data_list1D').setValue( dict(all_items=data_list1D, selected=[])) self.settings.child('data_dimensions', 'det_data_list2D').setValue( dict(all_items=data_list2D, selected=[])) self.settings.child('data_dimensions', 'det_data_listND').setValue( dict(all_items=data_listND, selected=[])) self.connect_detectors(False)
[docs] def get_selected_probed_data(self, dim='0D'): """Get the name of selected data names of a given dimensionality Parameters ---------- dim: str either '0D', '1D', '2D' or 'ND' """ return self.settings.child('data_dimensions', f'det_data_list{dim.upper()}').value()['selected']
[docs] def grab_datas(self, **kwargs): """Do a single grab of connected and selected detectors""" self.det_done_datas = DataToExport(name=__class__.__name__, control_module='DAQ_Viewer') self._received_data = 0 self.det_done_flag = False self.settings.child('det_done').setValue(self.det_done_flag) tzero = time.perf_counter() for mod in self.detectors: kwargs.update(dict(Naverage=mod.Naverage)) mod.command_hardware.emit(utils.ThreadCommand("single", kwargs)) while not self.det_done_flag: # wait for grab done signals to end QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() if time.perf_counter() - tzero > self.detector_timeout: self.timeout_signal.emit(True) logger.error('Timeout Fired during waiting for data to be acquired') break self.det_done_signal.emit(self.det_done_datas) return self.det_done_datas
[docs] def connect_actuators(self, connect=True, slot=None, signal='move_done'): """Connect the selected actuators signal to a given or default slot Parameters ---------- connect: bool slot: builtin_function_or_method method or function the chosen signal will be connected to if None, then the default move_done slot is used signal: str What kind of signal is to be used: * 'move_done' will connect the `move_done_signal` to the slot * 'current_value' will connect the 'current_value_signal' to the slot See Also -------- :meth:`move_done` """ if slot is None: slot = self.move_done if connect: for sig in [mod.move_done_signal if signal == 'move_done' else mod.current_value_signal for mod in self.actuators]: sig.connect(slot) else: try: for sig in [mod.move_done_signal if signal == 'move_done' else mod.current_value_signal for mod in self.actuators]: sig.disconnect(slot) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) self.actuators_connected = connect
[docs] def connect_detectors(self, connect=True, slot=None): """ Connect selected DAQ_Viewers's grab_done_signal to the given slot Parameters ---------- connect: bool if True, connect to the given slot (or default slot) if False, disconnect all detectors (not only the currently selected ones. This is made because when selected detectors changed if you only disconnect those one, the previously connected ones will stay connected) slot: method A method that should be connected, if None self.det_done is connected by default """ if slot is None: slot = self.det_done if connect: for sig in [mod.grab_done_signal for mod in self.detectors]: sig.connect(slot) else: for sig in [mod.grab_done_signal for mod in self.detectors_all]: try: sig.disconnect(slot) except TypeError as e: # means the slot was not previously connected self.detectors_connected = connect
[docs] def test_move_actuators(self): """Do a move of selected actuator""" dte_act = DataToExport('Actuators', control_module='DAQ_MOVE') for act in self.get_names(self.actuators): pos, done = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getDouble(None, f'Enter a target position for actuator {act}', 'Position:') if not done: pos = 0. dte_act.append(DataActuator(act, data=pos)) self.connect_actuators() self.move_actuators(dte_act) self.settings.child('actuators_positions', 'positions_list').setValue(dict(all_items=[f'{}: {dact.value()}' for dact in dte_act], selected=[])) self.connect_actuators(False)
[docs] def move_actuators(self, dte_act: DataToExport, mode='abs', polling=True) -> DataToExport: """will apply positions to each currently selected actuators. By Default the mode is absolute but can be Parameters ---------- dte_act: DataToExport the DataToExport of position to apply. Its length must be equal to the number of selected actuators mode: str either 'abs' for absolute positionning or 'rel' for relative polling: bool if True will wait for the selected actuators to reach their target positions (they have to be connected to a method checking for the position and letting the programm know the move is done (default connection is this object `move_done` method) Returns ------- DataToExport with the selected actuators's name as key and current actuators's value as value """ self.move_done_positions = DataToExport(name=__class__.__name__, control_module='DAQ_Move') self.move_done_flag = False self.settings.child('move_done').setValue(self.move_done_flag) if mode == 'abs': command = 'move_abs' elif mode == 'rel': command = 'move_rel' else: logger.error(f'Invalid positioning mode: {mode}') return self.move_done_positions if len(dte_act) == self.Nactuators: for dact in dte_act: act = self.get_mod_from_name(, 'act') if act is not None: act.command_hardware.emit( utils.ThreadCommand(command=command, attribute=[dact, polling])) # else: # for ind, act in enumerate(self.actuators): # #getattr(act, command)(positions[ind]) # act.command_hardware.emit(utils.ThreadCommand(command=command, attribute=[positions[ind], polling])) else: logger.error('Invalid number of positions compared to selected actuators') return self.move_done_positions tzero = time.perf_counter() if polling: while not self.move_done_flag: # polling move done QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() if time.perf_counter() - tzero > self.actuator_timeout / 1000: # timeout in seconds self.timeout_signal.emit(True) logger.error('Timeout Fired during waiting for actuators to be moved') break QThread.msleep(20) self.move_done_signal.emit(self.move_done_positions) return self.move_done_positions
def reset_signals(self): self.move_done_flag = True self.det_done_flag = True
[docs] def order_positions(self, positions: DataToExport): """ Reorder the content of the DataToExport given the order of the selected actuators""" actuators = self.selected_actuators_name pos = DataToExport('actuators') for act in actuators: pos.append(positions.get_data_from_name(act)) return pos
@Slot(DataActuator) def move_done(self, data_act: DataActuator): try: if not in self.move_done_positions.get_names(): self.move_done_positions.append(data_act) if len(self.move_done_positions) == len(self.actuators): self.move_done_flag = True self.settings.child('move_done').setValue(self.move_done_flag) except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) def det_done(self, data: DataToExport): if self.det_done_datas is not None: # means that somehow data are not initialized so no further processing self._received_data += 1 if len(data) != 0: self.det_done_datas.append(data) if self._received_data == len(self.detectors): self.det_done_flag = True self.settings.child('det_done').setValue(self.det_done_flag)
# if not in list(self.det_done_datas.keys()): # self.det_done_datas[data['name']] = data # if len(self.det_done_datas.items()) == len(self.detectors): # self.det_done_flag = True if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) from qtpy.QtCore import QThread from pymodaq.utils.gui_utils import DockArea from pyqtgraph.dockarea import Dock from pymodaq.control_modules.daq_viewer import DAQ_Viewer from pymodaq.control_modules.daq_move import DAQ_Move win = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() area = DockArea() win.setCentralWidget(area) win.resize(1000, 500) win.setWindowTitle('pymodaq main') prog = DAQ_Viewer(area, title="Testing2D", daq_type='DAQ2D') prog2 = DAQ_Viewer(area, title="Testing1D", daq_type='DAQ1D') prog3 = DAQ_Viewer(area, title="Testing0D", daq_type='DAQ0D') act1_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() act2_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() act1 = DAQ_Move(act1_widget, title='X_axis') act2 = DAQ_Move(act2_widget, title='Y_axis') act1.actuator = 'Mock' act2.actuator = 'Mock' QThread.msleep(1000) prog.init_hardware_ui() prog2.init_hardware_ui() prog3.init_hardware_ui() dock1 = Dock('actuator 1') dock1.addWidget(act1_widget) area.addDock(dock1) dock2 = Dock('actuator 2') dock2.addWidget(act2_widget) area.addDock(dock2) act1.init_hardware_ui() act2.init_hardware_ui() QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() manager = ModulesManager(actuators=[act1, act2], detectors=[prog, prog2, prog3], selected_detectors=[prog2]) sys.exit(app.exec_())