Source code for pymodaq.utils.math_utils

import numpy
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from typing import List, Union, Tuple
from pymodaq.utils.logger import get_module_name, set_logger
from import Iterable

logger = set_logger(get_module_name(__file__))

[docs]def my_moment(x, y): """Returns the moments of a distribution y over an axe x Parameters ---------- x: list or ndarray vector of floats y: list or ndarray vector of floats corresponding to the x axis Returns ------- m: list Contains moment of order 0 (mean) and of order 1 (std) of the distribution y """ dx = np.mean(np.diff(x)) norm = np.sum(y) * dx m = [np.sum(x * y) * dx / norm] m.extend([np.sqrt(np.sum((x - m[0]) ** 2 * y) * dx / norm)]) return m
def normalize(x): x = x - np.min(x) x = x / np.max(x) return x
[docs]def odd_even(x): """ odd_even tells if a number is odd (return True) or even (return False) Parameters ---------- x: the integer number to test Returns ------- bool : boolean """ if not isinstance(x, int): raise TypeError(f'{x} should be an integer') if int(x) % 2 == 0: bool = False else: bool = True return bool
def greater2n(x): """ return the first power of 2 greater than x Parameters ---------- x: (int or float) a number Returns ------- int: the power of 2 greater than x """ if isinstance(x, bool): raise TypeError(f'{x} should be an integer or a float') if hasattr(x, '__iter__'): res = [] for el in x: if isinstance(el, bool): raise TypeError(f'{el} should be an integer or a float') if not (isinstance(el, int) or isinstance(el, float)): raise TypeError(f'{x} elements should be integer or float') res.append(1 << (int(el) - 1).bit_length()) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.array(res) else: return res else: if not (isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float)): raise TypeError(f'{x} should be an integer or a float') return 1 << (int(x) - 1).bit_length()
[docs]def linspace_step(start, stop, step): """ Compute a regular linspace_step distribution from start to stop values. =============== =========== ====================================== **Parameters** **Type** **Description** *start* scalar the starting value of distribution *stop* scalar the stopping value of distribution *step* scalar the length of a distribution step =============== =========== ====================================== Returns ------- scalar array The computed distribution axis as an array. """ if np.sign(stop - start) != np.sign(step) or start == stop: raise ValueError('Invalid value for one parameter') Nsteps = int(np.ceil((stop - start) / step)) new_stop = start + (Nsteps - 1) * step if np.abs(new_stop + step - stop) < 1e-12: Nsteps += 1 new_stop = start + (Nsteps - 1) * step return np.linspace(start, new_stop, Nsteps)
def linspace_step_N(start, step, Npts): stop = (Npts - 1) * step + start return linspace_step(start, stop, step)
[docs]def find_index(x, threshold: Union[Number, List[Number]]) -> List[tuple]: """find_index finds the index ix such that x(ix) is the closest from threshold Parameters ---------- x : vector threshold : list of real numbers Returns ------- out : list of 2-tuple containing ix,x[ix] out=[(ix0,xval0),(ix1,xval1),...] """ if not hasattr(threshold, '__iter__'): threshold = [threshold] out = [] for value in threshold: ix = int(np.argmin(np.abs(x - value))) out.append((ix, x[ix])) return out
def find_common_index(x: Iterable, y: Iterable, x0: Number, y0: Number) -> Tuple: """find the index in two vectors corresponding to x0 and y0""" vals = x + 1j * y val = x0 + 1j * y0 ind = int(np.argmin(np.abs(vals - val))) return ind, x[ind], y[ind]
[docs]def gauss1D(x, x0, dx, n=1): """ compute the gaussian function along a vector x, centered in x0 and with a FWHM i intensity of dx. n=1 is for the standart gaussian while n>1 defines a hypergaussian Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) first axis of the 2D gaussian x0: (float) the central position of the gaussian dx: (float) :the FWHM of the gaussian n=1 : an integer to define hypergaussian, n=1 by default for regular gaussian Returns ------- out : vector the value taken by the gaussian along x axis """ if dx <= 0: raise ValueError('dx should be strictly positive') if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError('n should be a positive integer') elif n < 0: raise ValueError('n should be a positive integer') out = np.exp(-2 * np.log(2) ** (1 / n) * (((x - x0) / dx)) ** (2 * n)) return out
[docs]def gauss2D(x, x0, dx, y, y0, dy, n=1, angle=0): """ compute the 2D gaussian function along a vector x, centered in x0 and with a FWHM in intensity of dx and smae along y axis. n=1 is for the standard gaussian while n>1 defines a hypergaussian. optionally rotate it by an angle in degree Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) first axis of the 2D gaussian x0: (float) the central position of the gaussian dx: (float) :the FWHM of the gaussian y: (ndarray) second axis of the 2D gaussian y0: (float) the central position of the gaussian dy: (float) :the FWHM of the gaussian n=1 : an integer to define hypergaussian, n=1 by default for regular gaussian angle: (float) a float to rotate main axes, in degree Returns ------- out : ndarray 2 dimensions """ if angle == 0: data = np.transpose(np.outer(gauss1D(x, x0, dx, n), gauss1D(y, y0, dy, n))) else: theta = np.radians(angle) c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) R = np.array(((c, -s), (s, c))) (x0r, y0r) = tuple([x0, y0]))) data = np.zeros((len(y), len(x))) for indx, xtmp in enumerate(x): for indy, ytmp in enumerate(y): rotatedvect =[xtmp, ytmp])) data[indy, indx] = gauss1D(rotatedvect[0], x0r, dx, n) * gauss1D(rotatedvect[1], y0r, dy, n) return data
def rotate2D(origin:tuple = (0,0), point:tuple = (0,0), angle:float = 0): """ Rotate a point counterclockwise by a given angle around a given origin. The angle should be given in radians. Parameters ---------- origin: (tuple) x,y coordinate from which to rotate point: (tuple) x,y coordinate of point to rotate angle: (float) a float to rotate main axes, in radian Returns ------- out : (tuple) x,y coordinate of rotated point """ ox, oy = origin px, py = point qx = ox + np.cos(angle) * (px - ox) - np.sin(angle) * (py - oy) qy = oy + np.sin(angle) * (px - ox) + np.cos(angle) * (py - oy) return qx, qy
[docs]def ftAxis(Npts, omega_max): """ Given two numbers Npts,omega_max, return two vectors spanning the temporal and spectral range. They are related by Fourier Transform Parameters ---------- Npts: (int) A number of points defining the length of both grids omega_max: (float) The maximum circular frequency in the spectral domain. its unit defines the temporal units. ex: omega_max in rad/fs implies time_grid in fs Returns ------- omega_grid: (ndarray) The spectral axis of the FFT time_grid: (ndarray)) The temporal axis of the FFT See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ if not isinstance(Npts, int): raise TypeError('n should be a positive integer, if possible power of 2') elif Npts < 1: raise ValueError('n should be a strictly positive integer') dT = 2 * np.pi / (2 * omega_max) omega_grid = np.linspace(-omega_max, omega_max, Npts) time_grid = dT * np.linspace(-(Npts - 1) / 2, (Npts - 1) / 2, Npts) return omega_grid, time_grid
[docs]def ftAxis_time(Npts, time_max): """ Given two numbers Npts,omega_max, return two vectors spanning the temporal and spectral range. They are related by Fourier Transform Parameters ---------- Npts : number A number of points defining the length of both grids time_max : number The maximum tmporal window Returns ------- omega_grid : vector The spectral axis of the FFT time_grid : vector The temporal axis of the FFT See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ if not isinstance(Npts, int): raise TypeError('n should be a positive integer, if possible power of 2') elif Npts < 1: raise ValueError('n should be a strictly positive integer') dT = time_max / Npts omega_max = (Npts - 1) / 2 * 2 * np.pi / time_max omega_grid = np.linspace(-omega_max, omega_max, Npts) time_grid = dT * np.linspace(-(Npts - 1) / 2, (Npts - 1) / 2, Npts) return omega_grid, time_grid
[docs]def ft(x, dim=-1): """ Process the 1D fast fourier transform and swaps the axis to get coorect results using ftAxis Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) the array on which the FFT should be done dim: the axis over which is done the FFT (default is the last of the array) Returns ------- See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError('dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert dim >= -1 assert dim <= len(x.shape) - 1 out = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(np.fft.fftshift(x, axes=dim), axis=dim), axes=dim) return out
[docs]def ift(x, dim=0): """ Process the inverse 1D fast fourier transform and swaps the axis to get correct results using ftAxis Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) the array on which the FFT should be done dim: the axis over which is done the FFT (default is the last of the array) Returns ------- See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError('dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert dim >= -1 assert dim <= len(x.shape) - 1 out = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fftshift(x, axes=dim), axis=dim), axes=dim) return out
[docs]def ft2(x, dim=(-2, -1)): """ Process the 2D fast fourier transform and swaps the axis to get correct results using ftAxis Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) the array on which the FFT should be done dim: the axis over which is done the FFT (default is the last of the array) Returns ------- See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) if hasattr(dim, '__iter__'): for d in dim: if not isinstance(d, int): raise TypeError( 'elements in dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert d <= len(x.shape) else: if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError( 'elements in dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert dim <= len(x.shape) out = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(x, axes=dim)), axes=dim) return out
[docs]def ift2(x, dim=(-2, -1)): """ Process the inverse 2D fast fourier transform and swaps the axis to get correct results using ftAxis Parameters ---------- x: (ndarray) the array on which the FFT should be done dim: the axis (or a tuple of axes) over which is done the FFT (default is the last of the array) Returns ------- See Also -------- ftAxis, ftAxis_time, ift, ft2, ift2 """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) if hasattr(dim, '__iter__'): for d in dim: if not isinstance(d, int): raise TypeError( 'elements in dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert d <= len(x.shape) else: if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError( 'elements in dim should be an integer specifying the array dimension over which to do the calculation') assert dim <= len(x.shape) out = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fftshift(x, axes=dim)), axes=dim) return out
def flatten(xs): """Flatten nested list""" for x in xs: if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): yield from flatten(x) else: yield x class LSqEllipse: def fit(self, data): """Lest Squares fitting algorithm Theory taken from (*) Solving equation Sa=lCa. with a = |a b c d f g> and a1 = |a b c> a2 = |d f g> Args ---- data (list:list:float): list of two lists containing the x and y data of the ellipse. of the form [[x1, x2, ..., xi],[y1, y2, ..., yi]] Returns ------ coef (list): list of the coefficients describing an ellipse [a,b,c,d,f,g] corresponding to ax**2+2bxy+cy**2+2dx+2fy+g """ x, y = numpy.asarray(data, dtype=float) # Quadratic part of design matrix [eqn. 15] from (*) D1 = numpy.mat(numpy.vstack([x ** 2, x * y, y ** 2])).T # Linear part of design matrix [eqn. 16] from (*) D2 = numpy.mat(numpy.vstack([x, y, numpy.ones(len(x))])).T # forming scatter matrix [eqn. 17] from (*) S1 = D1.T * D1 S2 = D1.T * D2 S3 = D2.T * D2 # Constraint matrix [eqn. 18] C1 = numpy.mat('0. 0. 2.; 0. -1. 0.; 2. 0. 0.') # Reduced scatter matrix [eqn. 29] M = C1.I * (S1 - S2 * S3.I * S2.T) # M*|a b c >=l|a b c >. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors from this equation [eqn. 28] eval, evec = numpy.linalg.eig(M) # eigenvector must meet constraint 4ac - b^2 to be valid. cond = 4 * numpy.multiply(evec[0, :], evec[2, :]) - numpy.power(evec[1, :], 2) a1 = evec[:, numpy.nonzero(cond.A > 0)[1]] # |d f g> = -S3^(-1)*S2^(T)*|a b c> [eqn. 24] a2 = -S3.I * S2.T * a1 # eigenvectors |a b c d f g> self.coef = numpy.vstack([a1, a2]) self._save_parameters() def _save_parameters(self): """finds the important parameters of the fitted ellipse Theory taken form http://mathworld.wolfram Args ----- coef (list): list of the coefficients describing an ellipse [a,b,c,d,f,g] corresponding to ax**2+2bxy+cy**2+2dx+2fy+g Returns _______ center (List): of the form [x0, y0] width (float): major axis height (float): minor axis phi (float): rotation of major axis form the x-axis in radians """ # eigenvectors are the coefficients of an ellipse in general form # a*x^2 + 2*b*x*y + c*y^2 + 2*d*x + 2*f*y + g = 0 [eqn. 15) from (**) or (***) a = self.coef[0, 0] b = self.coef[1, 0] / 2. c = self.coef[2, 0] d = self.coef[3, 0] / 2. f = self.coef[4, 0] / 2. g = self.coef[5, 0] # finding center of ellipse [eqn.19 and 20] from (**) x0 = (c * d - b * f) / (b ** 2. - a * c) y0 = (a * f - b * d) / (b ** 2. - a * c) # Find the semi-axes lengths [eqn. 21 and 22] from (**) numerator = 2 * (a * f * f + c * d * d + g * b * b - 2 * b * d * f - a * c * g) denominator1 = (b * b - a * c) * ((c - a) * numpy.sqrt(1 + 4 * b * b / ((a - c) * (a - c))) - (c + a)) denominator2 = (b * b - a * c) * ((a - c) * numpy.sqrt(1 + 4 * b * b / ((a - c) * (a - c))) - (c + a)) width = numpy.sqrt(numerator / denominator1) height = numpy.sqrt(numerator / denominator2) # angle of counterclockwise rotation of major-axis of ellipse to x-axis [eqn. 23] from (**) # or [eqn. 26] from (***). phi = .5 * numpy.arctan((2. * b) / (a - c)) self._center = [x0, y0] self._width = width self._height = height self._phi = phi @property def center(self): return self._center @property def width(self): return self._width @property def height(self): return self._height @property def phi(self): """angle of counterclockwise rotation of major-axis of ellipse to x-axis [eqn. 23] from (**) """ return self._phi def parameters(self): return, self.width, self.height, self.phi def make_test_ellipse(center=[1, 1], width=1, height=.6, phi=3.14 / 5): """Generate Elliptical data with noise Args ---- center (list:float): (<x_location>, <y_location>) width (float): semimajor axis. Horizontal dimension of the ellipse (**) height (float): semiminor axis. Vertical dimension of the ellipse (**) phi (float:radians): tilt of the ellipse, the angle the semimajor axis makes with the x-axis Returns ------- data (list:list:float): list of two lists containing the x and y data of the ellipse. of the form [[x1, x2, ..., xi],[y1, y2, ..., yi]] """ t = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, 1000) x_noise, y_noise = numpy.random.rand(2, len(t)) ellipse_x = center[0] + width * numpy.cos(t) * numpy.cos(phi) - height * numpy.sin(t) * numpy.sin( phi) + x_noise / 2. ellipse_y = center[1] + width * numpy.cos(t) * numpy.sin(phi) + height * numpy.sin(t) * numpy.cos( phi) + y_noise / 2. return [ellipse_x, ellipse_y]