Source code for pymodaq.utils.daq_utils

import os
import sys
import datetime
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import functools
import platform
import re
import time
import warnings
from packaging import version as version_mod
from pathlib import Path
import pkgutil
import traceback
import platform
from typing import Union, List
from typing import Iterable as IterableType
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtCore
from qtpy.QtCore import QLocale

from pymodaq.utils import logger as logger_module
from pymodaq.utils.config import get_set_preset_path, Config
from pymodaq.utils.messenger import deprecation_msg
from pymodaq.utils.qvariant import QVariant

if version_mod.parse(platform.python_version()) >= version_mod.parse('3.8'):  # from version 3.8 this feature is included in the
    # standard lib
    from importlib import metadata
    import importlib_metadata as metadata

if version_mod.parse(platform.python_version()) >= version_mod.parse('3.9'):
    # from version 3.9 the cache decorator is available
    from functools import cache
    from functools import lru_cache as cache

logger = logger_module.set_logger(logger_module.get_module_name(__file__))

plot_colors = [(255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (14, 207, 189), (207, 14, 166), (207, 204, 14)]
config = Config()

def is_64bits():
    return sys.maxsize > 2**32

def timer(func):
    """Print the runtime of the decorated function"""
    def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.perf_counter()    # 1
        value = func(*args, **kwargs)
        end_time = time.perf_counter()      # 2
        run_time = end_time - start_time    # 3
        print(f"Finished {func.__name__!r} in {run_time:.4f} secs")
        return value
    return wrapper_timer

def get_version():
    """Obtain pymodaq version from the VERSION file

    Follows the layout from the packaging tool hatch, hatchling
    DEFAULT_PATTERN = r'(?i)^(__version__|VERSION) *= *([\'"])v?(?P<version>.+?)\2'

    with open(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath('resources/VERSION')), 'r') as fvers:
        contents =
        match =, contents, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        groups = match.groupdict()
        if 'version' not in groups:
            raise ValueError('no group named `version` was defined in the pattern')
    return groups['version']

def copy_preset():                          # pragma: no cover
    path = get_set_preset_path().joinpath('preset_default.xml')
    if not path.exists():  # copy the preset_default from pymodaq folder and create one in pymodad's local folder
        with open(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath('resources/preset_default.xml')), 'r') as file:

def set_qt_backend():
    backend_present = True
    if config('qtbackend', 'backend').lower() not in [mod.lower() for mod in sys.modules]:
        backend_present = False
        logger.warning(f"The chosen Qt backend ({config('qtbackend', 'backend')}) has not been installed...\n"
                       f"Trying another...")
        backends = config('qtbackend', 'backends')
        backends.pop(config('qtbackend', 'backend'))
        for backend in backends:
            if backend.lower() in [mod.lower() for mod in sys.modules]:
                backend_present = True

    if backend_present:
        os.environ['QT_API'] = config('qtbackend', 'backend')'************************')"{config('qtbackend', 'backend')} Qt backend loaded")'************************')
        msg = f"No Qt backend could be found in your system, please install either pyqt5/6 or pyside2/6." \
              f"pyqt5 is still preferred, while pyqt6 should mostly work."
        warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, 3)

class JsonConverter:
    def __init__(self):

    def trusted_types(cls):
        return ['float', 'int', 'str', 'datetime', 'date', 'time', 'tuple', 'list', 'bool', 'bytes',

    def istrusted(cls, type_name):
        return type_name in cls.trusted_types()

    def object2json(cls, obj):
        dic = dict(module=type(obj).__module__, type=type(obj).__name__, data=repr(obj))
        return json.dumps(dic)

    def json2object(cls, jsonstring):
            dic = json.loads(jsonstring)
            if isinstance(dic, dict):
                if dic['type'] in cls.trusted_types():
                    return eval(dic['data'])
                    return dic
            else:                                               # pragma: no cover
                return dic
        except Exception:
            return jsonstring

def decode_data(encoded_data):
    Decode QbyteArrayData generated when drop items in table/tree/list view
    encoded_data: QByteArray
                    Encoded data of the mime data to be dropped
    data: list
            list of dict whose key is the QtRole in the Model, and the value a QVariant

    data = []

    ds = QtCore.QDataStream(encoded_data, QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly)
    while not ds.atEnd():
        row = ds.readInt32()
        col = ds.readInt32()

        map_items = ds.readInt32()
        item = {}
        for ind in range(map_items):
            key = ds.readInt32()
            #TODO check this is fine
            value = QVariant()
            #value = None
            ds >> value
            item[QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole(key)] = value.value()
    return data


def capitalize(string, Nfirst=1):
    Returns same string but with first Nfirst letters upper
    string: (str)
    Nfirst: (int)
    return string[:Nfirst].upper() + string[Nfirst:]

def uncapitalize(string, Nfirst=1):
    return string[:Nfirst].lower() + string[Nfirst:]

def getLineInfo():
    """get information about where the Exception has been triggered"""
    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
    res = ''
    for t in traceback.format_tb(tb):
        res += t
    return res

[docs]class ThreadCommand: """Generic object to pass info (command) and data (attribute) between thread or objects using signals Parameters ---------- command: str The command to be analysed for further action attribute: any type the attribute related to the command. The actual type and value depend on the command and the situation attributes: deprecated, attribute should be used instead Attributes ---------- command : str The command to be analysed for further action attribute : any type the attribute related to the command. The actual type and value depend on the command and the situation """ def __init__(self, command: str, attribute=None, attributes=None): if not isinstance(command, str): raise TypeError(f'The command in a Threadcommand object should be a string, not a {type(command)}') self.command = command if attribute is None and attributes is not None: deprecation_msg('ThreadCommand signature changed, use attribute in place of attributes') self.attribute = attributes self.attributes = attributes self.attribute = attribute def __repr__(self): return f'Threadcommand: {self.command} with attribute {self.attribute}'
def ensure_ndarray(data): """ Make sure data is returned as a numpy array Parameters ---------- data Returns ------- ndarray """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if isinstance(data, list): data = np.array(data) else: data = np.array([data]) return data def setLocale(): """ defines the Locale to use to convert numbers to strings representation using language/country conventions Default is English and US """ language = getattr(QLocale, config('style', 'language')) country = getattr(QLocale, config('style', 'country')) QLocale.setDefault(QLocale(language, country)) def recursive_find_files_extension(ini_path, ext, paths=[]): with os.scandir(ini_path) as it: for entry in it: if os.path.splitext([1][1:] == ext and entry.is_file(): paths.append(entry.path) elif entry.is_dir(): recursive_find_files_extension(entry.path, ext, paths) return paths def recursive_find_files(ini_path, exp='make_enum', paths=[], filters=['build']): for child in Path(ini_path).iterdir(): if child.is_dir(): recursive_find_files(child, exp, paths, filters) else: if exp in child.stem: if not any([filt in str(child) for filt in filters]): paths.append(child) return paths def recursive_find_expr_in_files(ini_path, exp='make_enum', paths=[], filters=['.git', '.idea', '__pycache__', 'build', 'egg', 'documentation', '.tox'], replace=False, replace_str=''): for child in Path(ini_path).iterdir(): if not any(filt in str(child) for filt in filters): if child.is_dir(): recursive_find_expr_in_files(child, exp, paths, filters, replace=replace, replace_str=replace_str) else: try: found = False with'r') as f: replacement = '' for ind, line in enumerate(f): if exp in line: found = True paths.append([child, ind, line]) if replace: replacement += line.replace(exp, replace_str) else: if replace: replacement += line if replace and found: with'w') as f: f.write(replacement) except Exception: pass return paths def count_lines(ini_path, count=0, filters=['lextab', 'yacctab','pycache', 'pyc']): # if Path(ini_path).is_file(): # with Path(ini_path).open('r') as f: # count += len(f.readlines()) # return count for child in Path(ini_path).iterdir(): if child.is_dir(): count = count_lines(child, count) else: try: if not any([filt in for filt in filters]): if '.py' in with'r') as f: count += len(f.readlines()) else: print(child.stem) except Exception: pass return count def remove_spaces(string): """ return a string without any white spaces in it Parameters ---------- string Returns ------- """ return ''.join(string.split()) def rint(x): """ almost same as numpy rint function but return an integer Parameters ---------- x: (float or integer) Returns ------- nearest integer """ return int(np.rint(x)) def elt_as_first_element(elt_list, match_word='Mock'): if not hasattr(elt_list, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('elt_list must be an iterable') if elt_list: ind_elt = 0 for ind, elt in enumerate(elt_list): if not isinstance(elt, str): raise TypeError('elt_list must be a list of str') if match_word in elt: ind_elt = ind break plugin_match = elt_list[ind_elt] elt_list.remove(plugin_match) plugins = [plugin_match] plugins.extend(elt_list) else: plugins = [] return plugins def elt_as_first_element_dicts(elt_list, match_word='Mock', key='name'): if not hasattr(elt_list, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('elt_list must be an iterable') if elt_list: ind_elt = 0 for ind, elt in enumerate(elt_list): if not isinstance(elt, dict): raise TypeError('elt_list must be a list of dicts') if match_word in elt[key]: ind_elt = ind break plugin_match = elt_list[ind_elt] elt_list.remove(plugin_match) plugins = [plugin_match] plugins.extend(elt_list) else: plugins = [] return plugins def find_keys_from_val(dict_tmp: dict, val: object): """Returns the keys from a dict if its value is matching val""" return [k for k, v in dict_tmp.items() if v == val] def find_object_if_matched_attr_name_val(obj, attr_name, attr_value): """check if an attribute key/value pair match in a given object Parameters ---------- obj: object attr_name: str attribute name to look for in the object attr_value: object value to match Returns ------- bool: True if the key/value pair has been found in dict_tmp """ if hasattr(obj, attr_name): if getattr(obj, attr_name) == attr_value: return True return False def find_objects_in_list_from_attr_name_val(objects: List[object], attr_name: str, attr_value: object, return_first=True): """ lookup within a list of objects. Look for the objects within the list which has the correct attribute name, value pair Parameters ---------- objects: list list of objects attr_name: str attribute name to look for in the object attr_value: object value to match return_first: bool if True return the first objects found in the list else all the objects matching Returns ------- list of tuple(object, int): object and index or list of object and indexes """ selection = [] obj = None for ind, obj_tmp in enumerate(objects): if find_object_if_matched_attr_name_val(obj_tmp, attr_name, attr_value): obj = obj_tmp if return_first: break else: selection.append((obj_tmp, ind)) if obj is None: if return_first: return None, -1 else: return [] else: if return_first: return obj, ind else: return selection def find_dict_if_matched_key_val(dict_tmp, key, value): """ check if a key/value pair match in a given dictionnary Parameters ---------- dict_tmp: (dict) the dictionnary to be tested key: (str) a key string to look for in dict_tmp value: (object) any python object Returns ------- bool: True if the key/value pair has been found in dict_tmp """ if key in dict_tmp: if dict_tmp[key] == value: return True return False def find_dict_in_list_from_key_val(dicts, key, value, return_index=False): """ lookup within a list of dicts. Look for the dict within the list which has the correct key, value pair Parameters ---------- dicts: (list) list of dictionnaries key: (str) specific key to look for in each dict value: value to match Returns ------- dict: if found otherwise returns None """ for ind, dict_tmp in enumerate(dicts): if find_dict_if_matched_key_val(dict_tmp, key, value): if return_index: return dict_tmp, ind else: return dict_tmp if return_index: return None, -1 else: return None def get_entrypoints(group='pymodaq.plugins') -> List[metadata.EntryPoint]: """ Get the list of modules defined from a group entry point Because of evolution in the package, one or another of the forms below may be deprecated. We start from the newer way down to the older Parameters ---------- group: str the name of the group """ try: discovered_entrypoints = metadata.entry_points(group=group) except TypeError: try: discovered_entrypoints = metadata.entry_points().select(group=group) except AttributeError: discovered_entrypoints = metadata.entry_points().get(group, []) if isinstance(discovered_entrypoints, tuple): # API for python > 3.8 discovered_entrypoints = list(discovered_entrypoints) if not isinstance(discovered_entrypoints, list): discovered_entrypoints = list(discovered_entrypoints) return discovered_entrypoints @cache def get_instrument_plugins(): # pragma: no cover """ Get plugins names as a list Parameters ---------- plugin_type: (str) plugin type either 'daq_0Dviewer', 'daq_1Dviewer', 'daq_2Dviewer', 'daq_NDviewer' or 'daq_move' module: (module) parent module of the plugins Returns ------- """ plugins_import = [] discovered_plugins = [] discovered_plugins_all = list(get_entrypoints(group='pymodaq.plugins')) # old naming of the instrument plugins discovered_plugins_all.extend(list(get_entrypoints(group='pymodaq.instruments'))) # new naming convention for entry in discovered_plugins_all: if not in [ for ent in discovered_plugins]: discovered_plugins.append(entry) discovered_plugins = list(set(discovered_plugins)) logger.debug(f'Found {len(discovered_plugins)} installed plugins, trying to import them') viewer_types = ['0D', '1D', '2D', 'ND'] plugin_list = [] for entrypoint in discovered_plugins: #print(f'Looking for valid instrument plugins in package: {module.value}') try: try: movemodule = importlib.import_module(f'{entrypoint.value}.daq_move_plugins', entrypoint.value) plugin_list.extend([{'name': mod[len('daq_move') + 1:], 'module': movemodule, 'parent_module': importlib.import_module(entrypoint.value), 'type': 'daq_move'} for mod in [mod[1] for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(movemodule.path.parent)])] if 'daq_move' in mod]) if len(plugin_list) > 0: logger.debug(f"Found Move Instrument:" f" {plugin_list[-1]['module'].__name__}/{plugin_list[-1]['name']}") except ModuleNotFoundError: pass viewer_modules = {} for vtype in viewer_types: try: viewer_modules[vtype] = importlib.import_module(f'{entrypoint.value}.daq_viewer_plugins.plugins_{vtype}', entrypoint.value) plugin_list.extend([{'name': mod[len(f'daq_{vtype}viewer') + 1:], 'module': viewer_modules[vtype], 'parent_module': importlib.import_module(entrypoint.value), 'type': f'daq_{vtype}viewer'} for mod in [mod[1] for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(viewer_modules[vtype].path.parent)])] if f'daq_{vtype}viewer' in mod]) if len(plugin_list) > 0: logger.debug(f"Found Viewer Instrument: " f"{plugin_list[-1]['module'].__name__}/{plugin_list[-1]['name']}") except ModuleNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.debug(str(e)) for mod in plugin_list: try: plugin_type = mod['type'] if plugin_type == 'daq_move': submodule = mod['module'] importlib.import_module(f'{submodule.__package__}.daq_move_{mod["name"]}') else: submodule = mod['module'] importlib.import_module(f'{submodule.__package__}.daq_{plugin_type[4:6]}viewer_{mod["name"]}') plugins_import.append(mod)"{mod['module'].__name__}/{mod['name']} available") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover """If an error is generated at the import, then exclude this plugin""" logger.debug(f'Impossible to import Instrument plugin {mod["name"]}' f' from module: {mod["parent_module"].__package__}') # add utility plugin for PID try: pidmodule = importlib.import_module('') mod = [{'name': 'PID', 'module': pidmodule, 'parent_module': pidmodule, 'type': 'daq_move'}] importlib.import_module(f'{pidmodule.__package__}.daq_move_PID') plugins_import.extend(mod) except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Impossible to import PID utility plugin: {str(e)}') return plugins_import def get_plugins(plugin_type='daq_0Dviewer'): # pragma: no cover """ Get plugins names as a list Parameters ---------- plugin_type: (str) plugin type either 'daq_0Dviewer', 'daq_1Dviewer', 'daq_2Dviewer', 'daq_NDviewer' or 'daq_move' module: (module) parent module of the plugins Returns ------- """ return [plug for plug in get_instrument_plugins() if plug['type'] == plugin_type] def check_vals_in_iterable(iterable1, iterable2): assert len(iterable1) == len(iterable2) iterable1 = list(iterable1) # so the assertion below is valid for any kind of iterable, list, tuple, ndarray... iterable2 = list(iterable2) for val1, val2 in zip(iterable1, iterable2): assert val1 == val2 def caller_name(skip=2): """Get a name of a caller in the format module.class.method `skip` specifies how many levels of stack to skip while getting caller name. skip=1 means "who calls me", skip=2 "who calls my caller" etc. An empty string is returned if skipped levels exceed stack height """ stack = inspect.stack() start = 0 + skip if len(stack) < start + 1: return '' parentframe = stack[start][0] name = [] module = inspect.getmodule(parentframe) # `modname` can be None when frame is executed directly in console # TODO(techtonik): consider using __main__ if module: name.append(module.__name__) # detect classname if 'self' in parentframe.f_locals: # I don't know any way to detect call from the object method # XXX: there seems to be no way to detect static method call - it will # be just a function call name.append(parentframe.f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__) codename = parentframe.f_code.co_name if codename != '<module>': # top level usually name.append(codename) # function or a method del parentframe return ".".join(name) def zeros_aligned(n, align, dtype=np.uint32): """ Get aligned memory array wih alignment align. Parameters ---------- n: (int) length in dtype bytes of memory align: (int) memory alignment dtype: (numpy.dtype) type of the stored memory elements Returns ------- """ dtype = np.dtype(dtype) nbytes = n * dtype.itemsize buff = np.zeros(nbytes + align, dtype=np.uint8) start_index = % align return buff[start_index:start_index + nbytes].view(dtype) # ######################## # #File management def get_new_file_name(base_path=Path(config('data_saving', 'h5file', 'save_path')), base_name='tttr_data'): if isinstance(base_path, str): base_path = Path(base_path) today = date = today.strftime('%Y%m%d') year = today.strftime('%Y') year_dir = base_path.joinpath(year) if not year_dir.is_dir(): year_dir.mkdir() curr_dir = base_path.joinpath(year, date) if not curr_dir.is_dir(): curr_dir.mkdir() files = [] for entry in curr_dir.iterdir(): if and entry.is_file(): files.append(entry.stem) files.sort() if not files: index = 0 else: index = int(files[-1][-3:]) + 1 file = f'{base_name}_{index:03d}' return file, curr_dir if __name__ == '__main__': #paths = recursive_find_expr_in_files('C:\\Users\\weber\\Labo\\Programmes Python\\PyMoDAQ_Git', 'visa') # for p in paths: # print(str(p)) # v = get_version() # pass #plugins = get_plugins() # pragma: no cover #extensions = get_extension() #models = get_models() #count = count_lines('C:\\Users\\weber\\Labo\\Programmes Python\\PyMoDAQ_Git\\pymodaq\src') # import license # mit = license.find('MIT') # # paths = recursive_find_expr_in_files(r'C:\Users\weber\Labo\Programmes Python\PyMoDAQ_Git', # exp="cfunc", # paths=[], # filters=['.git', '.idea', '__pycache__', 'build', 'egg', 'documentation', # '.tox',], # replace=False, # replace_str="pymodaq.utils") #get_version() get_instrument_plugins() #get_plugins('daq_move') #get_plugins('daq_0Dviewer') pass # paths = recursive_find_files('C:\\Users\\weber\\Labo\\Programmes Python\\PyMoDAQ_Git', # exp='VERSION', paths=[]) # import version # for file in paths: # with open(str(file), 'r') as f: # v = version.Version( # v.minor += 1 # v.patch = 0 # with open(str(file), 'w') as f: # f.write(str(v)) # for file in paths: # with open(str(file), 'w') as f: # f.write(mit.render(name='Sebastien Weber', email=''))