5.5. How to contribute to PyMoDAQ’s documentation?

In this tutorial we will learn how to contribute to PyMoDAQ’s documentation. This is quite an advanced topic so we consider that you know quite well Python and PyMoDAQ ecosystem.

5.5.1. The documentation of PyMoDAQ

There are several levels of documentation of the project that we introduce in the following sections. Documentation of the source code: docstrings

The documentation of the source code is done using comments in the source files that are called docstrings. This documentation is addressed to the developers and is very precise. Typically, it will explain the job of a particular method, give the type of its arguments, what it returns…


Fig. 5.71 Docstring of the move_abs method in the daq_move_Template.py file.

This kind of documentation is standardized. PyMoDAQ follows the Numpy docstrings style. Following those conventions permits to generate automatically the Library Reference. Tests

At each modification of the source code of PyMoDAQ, a series of tests is launched automatically. This is done to ensure that the modification proposed does not have an unexpected effect and does not break the rest of the code. This development practice is indispensable to ensure its stability. A big effort has been devoted to testing in the version 4 of PyMoDAQ.

The files defining the tests are located in the /tests directory at the root of the repository.

Most of those tests simulate a user interacting with PyMoDAQ UI, pressing buttons and so on, and verify that everything is working as expected.

Reading those tests (which is not straightforward ;) ) allows to get a global picture of what the application is doing. Website

Finally, there is the website that you are reading right now. This documentation is of higher level than the previous ones, easier to read for a human! It is then adapted mostly to an introduction of PyMoDAQ to users.

This tutorial intends to present the workflow to contribute to the improvement of this website.

5.5.2. Sphinx

You may have noticed that most of Python librairies, share a common presentation of their website, this is because they all use Sphinx as a documentation generator.

Sphinx uses reStructuredText, which is the standard lightweight language to write documentation within the Python community.

Using Sphinx saves a lot of time because you just have to care about the content of your documentation, Sphinx will then render it as a beautiful PDF file… or even a website, like the one you are reading right now!

The folder within which there is a conf.py file is the source directory of a Sphinx project. In our case this directory is PyMoDAQ/docs/src.

Notice that this directory is included in PyMoDAQ repository. Therefore, contributing to the documentation, from the point of view of Git, is exactly the same thing as contributing to the source code: we will modify files in the repository.


The /docs directory of PyMoDAQ is located at the root of the repository, aside with the /src directory. When you install the pymodaq package, what will be copied in the site-packages of your Python environment in the PyMoDAQ/src/pymodaq folder. Therefore, all the folders that are upstream from this one (including /docs) will not be copied in the site-packages. This is what we want, it would be useless to have all this documentation, intended for humans, in the site-packages.

5.5.3. Preparation

Let’s prepare properly our workspace. We consider that you have a GitHub account, that you know the basics about its usage, and that you have already a remote repository (you have forked PyMoDAQ in your GitHub account).

First we need to know on which branch of the upstream repository we will work. If we want to contribute to the core of PyMoDAQ, we should send a pull request to the pymodaq-dev branch.


The important branches of the PyMoDAQ repository are as follow:
  • main is the last stable version. This branch is maintained by the owner of the repository, and we should not send a pull request directly to it.

  • pymodaq-dev is the development branch, which is ahead of the main branch (it contains more commits than the main branch. External contributions should be send on this branch. The owner of the repository will test all the changes that has been suggested in the pymodaq-dev branch before sending them into the main branch.

  • pymodaq_v3 concerns the version 3.

Let’s create and activate a new Python environment, that we will call pmd_dev in this tutorial.

Let’s now clone this specific branch on our local machine. We will call our local repository pmd4_write_documentation_tutorial.

git clone --branch pymodaq-dev https://github.com/PyMoDAQ/PyMoDAQ.git pmd4_write_doc_tutorial

and cd into it

cd pmd4_write_doc_tutorial

We have to change the configuration of origin so that our local repository is linked to our remote repository, and not to the upstream repository.

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/<your GitHub name>/PyMoDAQ.git


origin is an alias in Git that should target your remote repository. It specifies where to push your commits.

We can check that it has been taken into account with

git remote -v

We will now create a new branch from pymodaq-dev so that we can isolate our changes. We call it write-doc-tutorial.

git checkout -b write-doc-tutorial

Finally, install our local repository in edition mode in our Python environment

(pmd_dev) >pip install -e .

We can now safely modify our local repository.

5.5.4. Build the website locally

Since the source of the website (in /docs/src) is included in the PyMoDAQ repository, it means that we have everything needed to build it locally!

Some additional packages are necessary to install, in particular sphinx, docutils, numpydoc… Those guys are listed in the requirements.txt file in the /docs directory. Let’s go into it and execute the command

(pmd_dev) >pip install -r requirements.txt

Still in the /docs folder (where you should have a make.bat file) execute

make html (.\make html on windows powershell)

This will run Sphinx that will build the website and put it into the newly created docs/_build folder. Open the /docs/_build/html/index.html file with your favorite navigator. You just build the website locally!


Fig. 5.72 Local build of the PyMoDAQ website.

5.5.5. Add a new tutorial

Let’s take a practical case, and suppose we want to add a tutorial about “How to contribute to PyMoDAQ’s documentation?” ;)


Fig. 5.73 Sphinx source directory. It contains index.rst which defines the welcome page of the website and the table of contents. It contains also the conf.py file which defines the configuration of Sphinx. In the subfolders are others .rst file defining other pages. The /image folder is where one can store the images that are included in the pages.

The index.rst file defines the welcome page of the website, add also the table of contents that you see on the left column.


Fig. 5.74 In the index.rst file, the toctree tag defines the first level of the table of contents.

We clearly have to go in the tutorial folder. Here we found the plugin_development.rst file where is written the tutorial “Story of an instrument plugin development”.

Let’s just create a new .rst file named write_documentation.rst. We will copy the introduction of the other file, just replacing the name of the label (first line) and the title.

.. _write_documentation:

How to contribute to PyMoDAQ’s documentation?

In the tutorials.rst file, there is another toctree tag which defines the second level of the table of contents within the Tutorials section. We have to say that there is a new entry. Notice that it is here that the label at the first line of the file is important.


.. toctree::
        :maxdepth: 5
        :caption: Contents:


Save this file and compile again with Sphinx in the /docs directory

make html (.\make html on windows powershell)

and refresh the page in the navigator. Our new tutorial is already included in the website, and the table of contents has been updated!


Fig. 5.75 First compilation of our new tutorial.

We just have to fill the rest of the page with what we have to say! We will introduce a bit the RST language in the following section.

5.5.6. reStructuredText (RST) language

Here we give a brief overview of the RST language. Here is the full documentation about RST. Page structure



Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.


Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. List

* First item

        * First item of nested list
        * Second item of nested list

* Second item Integrate an image

.. _fig_label
.. figure:: /image/write_documentation/my_image.svg
        :width: 600

Caption of the figure.

The images are saved in the /src/image folder and subfolders.

Notice that you can directly integrate SVG images.


Be careful that the extensions of your files should be lowercase. The Windows operating system does not differentiate file extensions .PNG and .png for example (it is not case sensitive). If you build the documentation locally on Windows, it could render it without problem, while when compiled with a Linux system (what will be done on the server) your paths can be broken and your images not found. Cross-referencing

If we want to refer to the image from the previous section:



Note that the underscore disappeared.

If we want to refer to another page of the documentation:

:ref:`text to display <label at the begining of the page>`

for example to refer to the installation page, we will use

:ref:`install PyMoDAQ <section_installation>` Glossary terms

You may have notice the Glossary Terms page in the page of contents. This is a kind of dictionary dedicated to PyMoDAQ documentation. There are defined terms that are used frequently in the documentation. Refering to those term is then very simple

:term:`the glossary term`

Browse the already written RST files to get some examples ;)

5.5.7. Submit our documentation to the upstream repository

We are now happy with the content of our page. It is time to submit it for reviewing.

First we have to commit our modifications with Git

git commit -am "Tutorial: How to contribute to PyMoDAQ documentation. Initial commit."


If we also included some new files in the repository, like images, we have to tell Git to take those files under its supervision, which is done with the git add -i command. A simple command line interface will guide you to select the files to add.

We then push our changes to our remote repository

git push

Finally, we will open a pull request to the upstream repository from the GitHub interface. Be careful to select the pymodaq-dev branch!

Those steps are explained with more details in the plugin development tutorial.


Fig. 5.76 Pull request to the upstream repository. Be careful to select the pymodaq-dev branch!

Let’s hope we will convince the owner that our tutorial is usefull! Thanks for contributing ;)