Source code for pymodaq.extensions.bayesian.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created the 31/08/2023

@author: Sebastien Weber
from abc import ABC, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict, Tuple, Iterable
from pathlib import Path
import importlib
import pkgutil
import inspect
import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtWidgets
import tempfile
from collections import namedtuple

from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
from bayes_opt import UtilityFunction

from pymodaq.utils.h5modules.saving import H5Saver
from import (DataToExport, DataActuator, DataToActuators, DataCalculated,
                                DataRaw, Axis)
from pymodaq.utils.managers.modules_manager import ModulesManager
from pymodaq.utils.daq_utils import find_dict_in_list_from_key_val, get_entrypoints
from pymodaq.utils.logger import set_logger, get_module_name
from pymodaq.utils.plotting.data_viewers.viewer import ViewersEnum
from pymodaq.utils.enums import BaseEnum
from pymodaq.utils.parameter import Parameter
from pymodaq.utils.config import BaseConfig

    from pymodaq.extensions.bayesian.bayesian_optimisation import BayesianOptimisation

logger = set_logger(get_module_name(__file__))

class StopType(BaseEnum):
    Predict = 0

class UtilityKind(BaseEnum):
    ucb = 'Upper Confidence Bound'
    ei = 'Expected Improvement'
    poi = 'Probability of Improvement'

UtilityParameters = namedtuple('UtilityParameters',
                               ['kind', 'kappa', 'xi', 'kappa_decay', 'kappa_decay_delay'])

StoppingParameters = namedtuple('StoppingParameters',
                                ['niter', 'stop_type', 'tolerance', 'npoints'])

class BayesianAlgorithm:

    def __init__(self, ini_random: int, bounds: dict, **kwargs):

        self._algo = BayesianOptimization(f=None,
        self._next_point: np.ndarray = None
        self._suggested_coordinates: List[np.ndarray] = []
        self.ini_random_points = ini_random
        self.kappa = 2.5

        self._utility = UtilityFunction(kind="ucb", kappa=self.kappa, xi=0.0)

    def set_utility_function(self, kind: str, **kwargs):
        if kind in UtilityKind.names():
            self._utility = UtilityFunction(kind, **kwargs)

    def update_utility_function(self):
        """ Update the parameters of the Utility function (kappa decay for instance)"""
        self.kappa = self._utility.kappa

    def bounds(self) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        return [bound for bound in self._algo._space.bounds]

    def bounds(self, bounds: Union[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]], Iterable[np.ndarray]]):
        if isinstance(bounds, dict):

    def get_random_point(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """ Get a random point coordinates in the defined bounds"""
        point = []
        for bound in self.bounds:
            point.append((np.max(bound) - np.min(bound)) * np.random.random_sample() +
        return np.array(point)

    def ask(self) -> np.ndarray:
        if self.ini_random_points > 0:
            self.ini_random_points -= 1
            self._next_point = self.get_random_point()
            self._next_point =
        return self._next_point

    def tell(self, function_value: float):
        self._algo.register(params=self._next_point, target=function_value)

    def best_fitness(self) -> float:
        return self._algo.max['target']

    def best_individual(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
        max_param = self._algo.max.get('params', None)
        if max_param is None:
            return None

    def stopping(self, ind_iter: int, stopping_parameters: StoppingParameters):
        if ind_iter >= stopping_parameters.niter:
            return True
        if ind_iter > stopping_parameters.npoints and stopping_parameters.stop_type == 'Predict':
            coordinates = np.array(self._suggested_coordinates[-stopping_parameters.npoints:]).T
            return np.all(np.std(coordinates, axis=1)
                          < stopping_parameters.tolerance)
        return False

    def _posterior(self, x_obs, y_obs, grid):

        if len(x_obs.shape) == 1:
            x_obs = x_obs.reshape(-1, 1)
            y_obs = y_obs.reshape(-1, 1)
            grid = grid.reshape(-1, 1), y_obs)

        mu, sigma = self._algo._gp.predict(grid, return_std=True)
        return mu, sigma

    def get_dwa_obervations(self, actuators_name):
            axes = [Axis(act, data=np.array([res['params'][act] for res in self._algo.res])) for
                    act in actuators_name]
            data_arrays = [np.array([res['target'] for res in self._algo.res])]

            return DataRaw('Observations', data=data_arrays, labels=actuators_name,

        except Exception as e:

    def get_1D_dwa_gp(self, x: np.ndarray, actuator_name: str):
        """ Get Measurements and predictions as DataWithAxes

        x: np.ndarray
            linear grid to get the Bayesian Optimisation On

        dwa_obervation = self.get_dwa_obervations([actuator_name])

        mu, sigma = self._posterior(dwa_obervation.axes[0].get_data(),
                          [0], x)

        dwa_measured = DataCalculated('Measurements', data=[[0]],
        dwa_prediction = DataCalculated('Prediction', data=[mu],
                                        axes=[Axis('tested_pos', data=x)],
                                        errors=[1.96 * sigma])
        return dwa_measured, dwa_prediction

[docs]class BayesianModelGeneric(ABC): optimisation_algorithm: BayesianAlgorithm = BayesianAlgorithm actuators_name: List[str] = [] detectors_name: List[str] = [] observables_dim: List[ViewersEnum] = [] params = [] # to be subclassed def __init__(self, optimisation_controller: 'BayesianOptimisation'): self.optimisation_controller = optimisation_controller # instance of the pid_controller using this model self.modules_manager: ModulesManager = optimisation_controller.modules_manager self.settings = self.optimisation_controller.settings.child('models', 'model_params') # set of parameters self.check_modules(self.modules_manager) def check_modules(self, modules_manager): for act in self.actuators_name: if act not in modules_manager.actuators_name: logger.warning(f'The actuator {act} defined in the model is' f' not present in the Dashboard') return False for det in self.detectors_name: if det not in modules_manager.detectors_name: logger.warning(f'The detector {det} defined in the model is' f' not present in the Dashboard') def update_detector_names(self): names = self.optimisation_controller.settings.child( 'main_settings', 'detector_modules').value()['selected'] self.data_names = [] for name in names: name = name.split('//') self.data_names.append(name)
[docs] def update_settings(self, param: Parameter): """ Get a parameter instance whose value has been modified by a user on the UI To be overwritten in child class """ ...
[docs] def update_plots(self): """ Called when updating the live plots """ pass
def ini_model_base(self): self.modules_manager.selected_actuators_name = self.actuators_name self.modules_manager.selected_detectors_name = self.detectors_name self.ini_model()
[docs] def ini_model(self): """ To be subclassed Initialize whatever is needed by your custom model """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def runner_initialized(self): """ To be subclassed Initialize whatever is needed by your custom model after the optimization runner is initialized """ pass
[docs] def convert_input(self, measurements: DataToExport) -> float: """ Convert the measurements in the units to be fed to the Optimisation Controller Parameters ---------- measurements: DataToExport data object exported from the detectors from which the model extract a float value (fitness) to be fed to the algorithm Returns ------- float """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_output(self, outputs: List[np.ndarray], best_individual=None) -> DataToActuators: """ Convert the output of the Optimisation Controller in units to be fed into the actuators Parameters ---------- outputs: list of numpy ndarray output value from the controller from which the model extract a value of the same units as the actuators best_individual: np.ndarray the coordinates of the best individual so far Returns ------- DataToActuatorOpti: derived from DataToExport. Contains value to be fed to the actuators with a a mode attribute, either 'rel' for relative or 'abs' for absolute. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BayesianModelDefault(BayesianModelGeneric): actuators_name: List[str] = [] # to be populated dynamically at instantiation detectors_name: List[str] = [] # to be populated dynamically at instantiation params = [{'title': 'Optimizing signal', 'name': 'optimizing_signal', 'type': 'group', 'children': [ {'title': 'Get data', 'name': 'data_probe', 'type': 'action'}, {'title': 'Optimize 0Ds:', 'name': 'optimize_0d', 'type': 'itemselect', 'checkbox': True}, ]},] def __init__(self, optimisation_controller: 'BayesianOptimisation'): self.actuators_name = optimisation_controller.modules_manager.actuators_name self.detectors_name = optimisation_controller.modules_manager.detectors_name super().__init__(optimisation_controller) self.settings.child('optimizing_signal', 'data_probe').sigActivated.connect( self.optimize_from)
[docs] def ini_model(self): pass
def optimize_from(self): self.modules_manager.get_det_data_list() data0D = self.modules_manager.settings['data_dimensions', 'det_data_list0D'] data0D['selected'] = data0D['all_items'] self.settings.child('optimizing_signal', 'optimize_0d').setValue(data0D)
[docs] def update_settings(self, param: Parameter): pass
[docs] def convert_input(self, measurements: DataToExport) -> float: """ Convert the measurements in the units to be fed to the Optimisation Controller Parameters ---------- measurements: DataToExport data object exported from the detectors from which the model extract a float value (fitness) to be fed to the algorithm Returns ------- float """ data_name: str = self.settings['optimizing_signal', 'optimize_0d']['selected'][0] origin, name = data_name.split('/') return float(measurements.get_data_from_name_origin(name, origin).data[0][0])
[docs] def convert_output(self, outputs: List[np.ndarray], best_individual=None) -> DataToActuators: """ Convert the output of the Optimisation Controller in units to be fed into the actuators Parameters ---------- outputs: list of numpy ndarray output value from the controller from which the model extract a value of the same units as the actuators best_individual: np.ndarray the coordinates of the best individual so far Returns ------- DataToActuators: derived from DataToExport. Contains value to be fed to the actuators with a mode attribute, either 'rel' for relative or 'abs' for absolute. """ return DataToActuators('outputs', mode='abs', data=[DataActuator(self.modules_manager.actuators_name[ind], data=float(outputs[ind])) for ind in range(len(outputs))])
def get_bayesian_models(model_name=None): """ Get PID Models as a list to instantiate Control Actuators per degree of liberty in the model Returns ------- list: list of disct containting the name and python module of the found models """ models_import = [] discovered_models = get_entrypoints(group='pymodaq.models') if len(discovered_models) > 0: for pkg in discovered_models: try: module = importlib.import_module(pkg.value) module_name = pkg.value for mod in pkgutil.iter_modules([ str(Path(module.__file__).parent.joinpath('models'))]): try: model_module = importlib.import_module(f'{module_name}.models.{}', module) classes = inspect.getmembers(model_module, inspect.isclass) for name, klass in classes: if issubclass(klass, BayesianModelGeneric): if find_dict_in_list_from_key_val(models_import, 'name',\ is None: models_import.append({'name': klass.__name__, 'module': model_module, 'class': klass}) except Exception as e: logger.warning(str(e)) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Impossible to import the {pkg.value} bayesian model: {str(e)}') if find_dict_in_list_from_key_val(models_import, 'name', 'BayesianModelDefault') \ is None: models_import.append({'name': 'BayesianModelDefault', 'module': inspect.getmodule(BayesianModelDefault), 'class': BayesianModelDefault}) if model_name is None: return models_import else: return find_dict_in_list_from_key_val(models_import, 'name', model_name) class BayesianConfig(BaseConfig): """Main class to deal with configuration values for this plugin""" config_template_path = None config_name = f"bayesian_settings"