Source code for pymodaq.utils.gui_utils.file_io

from pathlib import Path

from pymodaq.utils.config import Config
from qtpy import QtWidgets

config = Config()

def select_file_filter(start_path=config('data_saving', 'h5file', 'save_path'), save=True, ext=None, filter=None,
    """Opens a selection file popup for loading or saving a file

    start_path: str or Path
        The strating point in the file/folder system to open the popup from
    save: bool
        if True, ask you to enter a filename (with or without extension)
    ext: str
        the extension string, e.g. xml, h5, png ...
    filter: list of string
        list of possible extensions, mostly valid for loading
    force_save_extension: bool
        if True force the extension of the saved file to be set to ext

    Path: the Path object of the file to save or load
    str: the selected filter
    if ext is None:
        ext = '.h5'

    if filter is None:
        if not save:
            if not isinstance(ext, list):
                ext = [ext]
            filter = "Data files ("
            for ext_tmp in ext:
                filter += '*.' + ext_tmp + " "
            filter += ")"

    if start_path is not None:
        if not isinstance(start_path, str):
            start_path = str(start_path)
    if save:
        fname, selected_filter = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, 'Enter a file name', start_path,
        fname, selected_filter = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Select a file name', start_path, filter)

    if fname != '':  # execute if the user didn't cancel the file selection
        fname = Path(fname)
        if save and force_save_extension:
            parent = fname.parent
            filename = fname.stem
            fname = parent.joinpath(filename + "." + ext)  # forcing the right extension on the filename
    return fname, selected_filter

[docs]def select_file(start_path=config('data_saving', 'h5file', 'save_path'), save=True, ext=None, filter=None, force_save_extension=False): """Opens a selection file popup for loading or saving a file Parameters ---------- start_path: str or Path The strating point in the file/folder system to open the popup from save: bool if True, ask you to enter a filename (with or without extension) ext: str the extension string, e.g. xml, h5, png ... filter: string list of possible extensions, if you need several you can separate them by ;; for example: "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)" force_save_extension: bool if True force the extension of the saved file to be set to ext Returns ------- Path: the Path object of the file to save or load """ fname, selected_filter = select_file_filter(start_path, save, ext, filter, force_save_extension) return fname # fname is a Path object
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) file = select_file(save=True, filter="Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)") print(file) sys.exit(app.exec_())